Wednesday 20 August 2014

Meeting Journal

Meeting Journal

First Meeting

Date: 9th August 2014, Saturday
Members present (4/4): Zhiyi, Jia Jin, Sang Yun, Jonah
Meeting duration: 2 hours
Content of meeting:
  1. Assigned roles and responsiblities
  2. Understood the project and sorted out tasks to be completed
  3. Completed Compare and Contrast question as a group
  4. Created Blogger and published posts with information and resources we have gathered related to our project
  5. Added in Meeting Journal
Second Meeting

Date: 21st August 2014, Thursday
Members present (3/4): Zhiyi, Sang Yun, Jonah (Jia Jin absent, with MC)
Meeting duration: 1 hour
Content of meeting:
  1. Looked up for information/sources on the internet
  2. Compiled information and made changes to essay
  3. Edited Meeting Journal
  4. Completed 'Inquiry Question: why should we remember the early 1950s and 1960s today?'
Third Meeting

Date: 22nd August 2014, Friday
Members present (3/4): Zhiyi, Sang Yun, Jonah (Jia Jin absent, with MC)
Meeting duration: 1 hour
Content of meeting: 

  1. Attended history briefing.
  2. Looked up sources with regards to riots.
  3. Compiled all the information we have gathered
  4. Posted all the sources on the blog 
  5. Checked through all the posts for any mistakes and made changes.

1 comment:

  1. This is too brief. Your minutes of meetings needs to be more elaborative. Your group's scribe has been briefed on this already. - Mr Tan.
