Sunday 17 August 2014

Comparison of sources

  Both sources A and B are similar in content of the political repression by the British government. Source A says, "And oh they couldn't give me any office - it took a long time - government offices were extremely overloaded - and there was a lot of difficulty. I had to threaten to bring a desk here and set it up here or in my flat before I could get an office!" This shows that the Colonial Government ignored the needs of a Chef Minister. The Chef Minister was deprived of an office which he needed to manage the country, so he had to bring his own table to carry out his duty, thus he was displeased with the treatment he received from the Colonial Government. Similarly, Source B says that "Singapore witnessed a staggering 260 labour stoppages, walk-offs, go-slows and sit-downs - if we exclude Sundays, that means more than one labour protest every working day". This shows that people in Singapore were not pleased with what they got from the Government, which stirred up the conflict between the citizens and Government. Since the Government did not meet the people's needs, so they had to lead a strike. Thus, Source A and B are similar in the local people's disapproval of the colonials who are governing them.

  Both Sources A and B are different in content that the goal the people want to achieve. Source A shows that David Marshall and possibly the civilians wanted independence while Source B shows that the students wanted a revolutionary curriculum. Source A shows " I came before you, day after day at lunchtime, to speak to you of the dangers that the future held and to put before you a blueprint for a miracle possible. This shows that Political Government had already planned a way to gain freedom, achieve self-government and break away from British rule and to persuade the citizens to follow him for better living conditions. In contrast, Source B shows "Chinese students ignored the government's official closure of their schools, and in a repeat of the previous year locked themselves into their classrooms, where they established their own revolutionary curriculum." This shows that the Chinese student's interest, what they wanted were ignored by the British Government. They were taking away the Chinese student's rights of the way they want to be educated, thus they rebelled against the British to emphasize on their civil liberties.

Therefore this shows that Source A and B are different in the goal the people wanted to achieve

1 comment:

  1. Your common criteria for both similarity and difference is incorrect. I have gone through this in class. Pls correct this. - Mr. Tan
